What is pH?
The new Broad Range pH Test is for testing water within the pH range of 6 – 9. This pH test now covers the pH range more likely observed in your aquarium and also offers improved precision with 0.5 unit determination.
What is the correct pH level?
There is no definitive correct pH as different fish species have their preferred pH range. Generally, the ideal pH value will lie between 7 and 8, but there are some exceptions. When purchasing fish from your local aquatic retailer, always enquire as to the specific water requirements of the fish you are buying.
What do I do if the level is wrong?
If you do need to adjust the pH of your aquarium, it is vital to do this slowly to not shock the fish. Change no more than 0.5 pH units per 2 days. Providing your tap water is of suitable pH, substantial water changes can correct a dangerous pH level. It is also important to check the KH of the aquarium. Use of pH adjusters, such as KH Up – pH Stabiliser will raise the pH caused by soft or aged water. For fish that live in soft, acid water use bogwood to gently lower the pH and soften the water.
How to use?
To find out more about water quality and parameters in freshwater aquariums, click here.
Q: My pH reagent has changed colour, is it still ok to use? A: Our pH reagent can change colour over time. It will start green, but can change to any colour on the colour chart. This is normal and you will still get accurate results.
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Contains 40 Tests