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Aquarium - Plant Boost

Aquarium - Plant Boost Contents
PFK award

When to use?
Live plants require light and nutrients to grow. Whilst your aquarium light will provide one element, plants will rapidly consume nutrients from the water. These nutrients must be replaced to ensure your plants continue to grow and thrive.

Plant Boost can be used every day to maintain healthy plant growth. Don’t forget that plants need between 8-12 hours of light a day.

How to use?

  • Calculate the volume of your aquarium in litres (Length x Width x Depth (in cm)/1,000). 
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly before use.
  • Turn dispenser to unlock, then press down on the pump to dispense.
  • Product works immediately encouraging even sickly plants into healthy growth.

For best results: Use in conjunction with Liquid CO2 Boost to provide complete fertilisation for your plants.

“Comprehensive and easy to use, I often like to have a couple of bottles of Anti-Internal Bacteria treatment or Disease Solve to hand. Nice to know that I’m not the only one who rates these products!” Nathan Hill, the Associate Editor of Practical Fishkeeping Magazine

Q: Will carbon remove Aquarium Liquid CO2 Boost or Plant Boost? A: Activated carbon is very effective at removing carbon-containing compounds from the water. Unfortunately, both our CO2 Boost and Plant Boost have such compounds and are likely removed by activated carbon, reducing their plant growth boosting properties. The best way to use activated carbon in a planted aquarium is on an "as and when" basis to remove water discolouration or odours.

For common frequently asked questions, click here.


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Free from Nitrate, Phosphate & Silicate


K - Potassium, Mg - Magnesium, SO4 - Sulfate


B - Boron, Co - Cobalt, Cu - Copper, Fe - Iron, Mn - Manganese, Mo - Molybdenum, Zn - Zinc

Available in the following variations:


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Send us your product review


  • Colin Agness from Woodford Aquatics

    We recommend the plant fertilisers because they work so well with the plants, the sinking algae wafers and the sinking predator tablets because they’re brilliant for bottom feeders, and the granular food because it’s probiotic, so it’s really good for the fish’s digestion.

  • FishCove Aquatics from Wimborne, Dorset

    We have been using both the CO2 and Plant Boost pump bottles now for a year and have seen our plants flourish and grow using your liquids in our 30 litre nano. Simple to use and a product that works. It's easy to understand as we only use two pumps of each daily, this makes dosing an aquarium easy and simple for all aquarium plant keepers using a small aquarium. I would highly recommend both these products and as a result both are one of top sellers in FishCove Aquatics.