Stabilises pH & replenishes KH in marine aquariums
Formally known as Buffer Powder
When to use? Low carbonate hardness (KH) is a natural consequence of biological processes and aging water but can result in an unstable pH. A KH of approximately 7.5 dKH is ideal for maintaining a stable pH and the correct amount of minerals for healthy coral growth.
Marine Reef KH Buffer is a pure blend of bicarbonate and carbonate minerals to increase and replenish the KH of marine water. Marine Reef KH Buffer is free of detrimental phosphate and nitrate that causes algae.
Do: Dissolve dose in small amount of aquarium water and slowly add to the aquarium.
Check KH weekly using Marine Lab KH test and add Marine Reef KH Buffer as required.
Warning: Do not increase KH by more than 1dKH in a 24 hour period.
Dose: 2.5g (approx. 0.5 teaspoon) per 100 litres. Will increase KH by 1 dKH.
Best used in conjunction with Filter Media Bags.
Test your water using Marine Lab Test Kits.
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Let us calculate your dosage for you!
To make the process of using our products even easier this handy dosage calculator tells you the amount you will need to put into your system. Please ensure you also read the instructions and warnings that are written on the bottle/pack label.
Note: This calculator does not take into account water displacement such as that caused by substrate, ornaments, water features and plants etc. Therefore, please adjust the calculated volume accordingly.
I know my system's measurements and want to:
Calculate my volume
You’ll require*
* Always follow the instructions on the label. This calculator is intended to be used only as a guide to how much product you need to buy to treat your system. It does not take account of displacement caused by gravel, rocks and ornaments etc and does not include the volume of any external filtration system. NT Laboratories Ltd. will not accept any responsibility for inaccuracies or misuse of this guide.