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Aqua Pro

Pro-f Named as the best new product in the aquarium food care and accessories catagory!

The team at NT Labs are thrilled that the new range of Pro-f foods have won this award. Judges said “This is a good range with an innovative pour or shake feature, innovative colourful packaging, and a great price point.”

The Pro-f range of aquarium fish foods has been engineered over a number of years to an unrivalled specification. All of the foods in the range have been made using the highest quality ingredients along with the latest nutritional technology. From perfectly manicured aquascaped aquaria with ornamental shrimp and nano fish species, through to competition grade discus, all the fish you love to keep are catered for.

This prize rounded up the best Aqua so far for NT Labs, who saw a huge increase in the number of orders taken. As always the team at NT Labs enjoyed seeing all of their valued customers at the show and would like to thank the team at Impact Exhibitions for putting on such a fantastic show!

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